Why Can't I Just Relax!!

Why Can't I Just Relax!!

Let me guess. There was one point in the day where you told yourself you were going to kick back, have a "lazy day," or rest for an hour. But when that moment came, you were met with thoughts on how to be more productive. Made a list of all the things you haven't done around the house or thought about any and everything that was way more important than checking in with yourself. 
Don't worry, you're not alone, and there's nothing wrong with you. It can be hard to get in the flow of relaxation. So here's some points to reflect on that may help you figure out why you just can't relax.
Beating yourself up 
No, I don't mean physically, even though that'd be pretty interesting to see. I mean, allowing your thoughts of feeling undeserving of relaxation because you haven't finished a task or chore run all over you. I'm going to be completely honest with you. When being on this green earth, you're always gonna be working on something because we're all human beings. That's how we evolve. But please understand that as a human being, it is also you're right to enjoy your life and the things around you. It is your birthright to relax and should be taken just as seriously as the work you do. So give yourself some grace because you deserve it. 
No right or wrong way
 There is absolutely no right or wrong way to relax. You don't need to book a $500 spa day to do it either, if that's not what you want to do. You must simply do what relaxes you and your mind the most. For some, it's staying home wearing pj's and watching movies all day. For others, sitting around and doing nothing might sound boring, and prefer a calm walk through the park or reading in a library. Thinking about all the right or wrong ways to do something will simply just create more stress. So, know that you are doing everything perfectly right if it's doing something you really appreciate.
Ignoring yourself for too long 
It's hard knowing you're missing something without knowing what it is you need. After ignoring your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs to completely drain yourself with work or normal life inconveniences, it can be difficult to remember the last time you recharged. Usually, we wait until we're overwhelmed, stressed, and on the verge of having a mental breakdown. when realizing you have no more energy or fight left in you . Listen to yourself and acknowledge how tired or stressed you truly may be. Take some time to sit and seriously ask yourself what you need or crave before brushing if off. 
Just like so many other things, learning to relax and be comfortable while doing so takes time and practice. So don't give up, Know that eventually you'll find peace in giving some much needed attention to yourself.
Furthermore, keep in mind that you can only be the best version of yourself by doing what is best for yourself. Take care, love.
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